Online Help | Frequently Asked Question (FAQS)
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I am Olaiya finished at EACOD OYO. Please, I am a NCE older but I'm not choose fce as my first or second choice but I want to know if possible for me to apply now with my NCE result and my direct entry jamb number? Thanks
FCESUI: Yes ,you can apply.
I am AWOSAN GBENGA, An Ex-student of the FCES oyo. Please my Question is can we apply as a Direct Entry Student.. Please i need urgent respond. Thank you
FCESUI: Yes, you can apply only if you have applied for 2013 JAMB Direct Entry.
I applied for 2013 JAMB Direct Entry. My Question is, How many years Program and at which "Level" for Direct Entry Students. Thank you.
FCESUI: The program is three years for Direct Entry student starting from 200 Level.
How can I make payment ?
FCESUI: Go to any First Bank nearest to you. Use the details below:

Account Number: 2022032849
Depositor Name: Your JAMB Registration Number/Your Name  (i.e  26367961AF/OMOLAYO CLEMENT)
Amount: 5,000:00
JAMB Registration Number Not Exist Error.
FCESUI: If you are experiencing 'JAMB Registration Number not exist' error, it means that your payment details from the Bank has not
reach our end or Incomplete Payment Details was sent to us. Send your scanned teller image clearly to us through the link below
for quick activation of your payment. You can also come to college ICT CENTRE with your Teller. Thanks.      
Click here for quick activation of your Payment Details on the portal.
For Further Enquiries, Call (Mr Clement 07034314543) (Mr Adeomi 08035389298) (Mr Adeola 08031100048)